Life with Chronic Pain

Good afternoon everyone! Here is another example of a lovely lady sorting out her life with chronic pain. We have such a fantastic opportunity in each other: to give and receive love and support, to have a free exchange of ideas, to learn new methods of healing and coping, and to simply feel surrounded by our peers-others in our situation, our equals, our army against chronic pain. Love each other ladies, be kind to yourselves, and get enough rest. Much love to you all ooo


Life with Chronic Pain

I just love the picture of myself on the left so much I had to share it with the world again…no that is definitely not why I am posting this picture of two completely Jessica’s again. Since the moment I got a hold on my chronic pain and learned to manage it naturally and without treatment I have known my calling in this world. I went into the medical field as a social worker to help those with chronic pain. It was not until I became a mother that I found my true passion in this world: sharing my story to give people hope. I have been writing for many months now about my journey with chronic pain and sometimes it is not easy. There are many things from my past/present that I am not proud of and it has taken much soul searching and positive feedback to continue to…

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