You know you have chronic pain when…..

I am so here on this post! I used to bring multiple colors to the doc so that I could color code all the different types of pain bc if i tried to do it all with one it looked like I was a child trying to color within the lines LOL! I too have, still am to some degree, gotten fixated on a diagnosis. There was a time I would have kissed a doc if they had said I had cancer I was so desperate being ping ponged to specialist after specialist. Now I just want to feel better and I care not what’s wrong or what I have to do to reach my goal. I’m despondent with guilt over how much my illness impacts my husband and children. It just is not fair that they are suffering too. I am, however learning a lot from the journey’s of others who have come before me and am so comforted to know that there are others in this insufferable position. much love to you all ooo


You know you have chronic pain when.....

How many times have you been asked by a doctor or specialist to circle on a piece of paper where it hurts? I honestly cannot even count how many times I have seen this picture but just looking at this brings back some of my worst memories and I am so happy I do not have to “circle where it hurts” again!
I remember when I first saw this picture, I was maybe seventeen or so. I was excited. I was so meticulous at drawing little dots on the stick figures to show exactly where I felt my pain. I was even happy there was a front side of the body and a back side because it hurt all over my head, face, and upper back. I thought this was the greatest thing ever. After, many more doctors and specialists and being asked to draw where it hurts I gave…

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